Parents from all over California are taking advantage of the virtual world to attend Education Rights attorney Jennifer Chang’s latest TIGER program, which started this month.
TIGER — also known by its full name as Training Individuals for Grassroots Education Reform — is a self-advocacy program for families in need who must navigate the special education system in California. Through the program, families learn how to fight for the education rights of their children with special needs as well as gain a more helpful understanding of the crucial pieces of adequate special education.
The program is designed and taught by the Learning Rights Law Center, which works with underserved families in Los Angeles and surrounding areas in California. Program sessions are taught by a mix of education advocates, attorneys, and other professionals.
Jennifer teaches a Beginning-level program, which introduces families to California’s special education system and related services. Throughout the course, parents will learn about things like the individualized education plan (IEP) process as well as how they can be more involved in their child’s education needs.
The course, which meets once a month and runs until May 2022, is held in an entirely virtual setting, enabling parents from all over California to attend. The first meeting had 27 students total join, and more are currently enquiring.
Underserved families are often not able to get the help they need when it comes to fighting for the education rights of their child(ren) with special needs. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), all children in the U.S. with special needs are entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education. However, in many cases, families — especially those from underserved communities — lack the knowledge they need to ensure their child is getting an adequate level of education in the public school system.
In some cases, parents also struggle to advocate for themselves and their children because of a language barrier. For that reason, Jennifer, herself a part of the Korean-American community in Los Angeles, teaches her TIGER program entirely in Korean.
“I get to share my knowledge with parents to better equip them to advocate for their child,” Jennifer says of her time spent teaching the TIGER program. “I am able to share my experiences in dealing with the districts on various issues. I am teaching parents the law, what their rights are and that their child has a right to a free and appropriate education.”
The Law Office of Jennifer Chang believes in protecting students’ rights to a free and appropriate education under both federal and state laws. If your child is eligible to receive special education and is not getting the appropriate services or accommodations, Jennifer Chang, education rights attorney will fight vigorously on your family’s behalf. Please reach out to us today or call (323) 931-5270 to discuss your case.