Understanding Special Education Programs in California Public Schools

Accommodations, Children with Special Needs, Inclusion, Individualized Education Plan, Special Education Law

Outdated misconceptions of special education have led to a cultural reluctance to embrace educational intervention strategies, often associating services with intellectual limitations. The reality is that special education programs are increasingly important solutions for many children in California public schools. Embracing special education for students with disabilities and other learning needs can help children succeed … Read More

Appeals Court Upholds Due Process Hearing Decision in IDEA Violation Case

Accommodations, Children with Special Needs, Equal Opportunity, Individualized Education Plan, Special Education Law

A 2024 decision by Judge Otis D. Wright, II, of the Ninth Circuit Court affirmed that the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) did violate the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and denied A.O., a child with profound hearing loss in both ears who uses cochlear implants, a free, appropriate public education in the … Read More

SB 1016 Recognizes FASD as Eligible for Special Education Services

Accommodations, Learning Disability, Special Education Law

On September 27, 2022, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into effect Senate Bill 1016, which will require the state to include “fetal alcohol spectrum disorder” (FASD) in the definition of “other health impairment” when determining eligibility for special education and related services. Existing CA Board of Education regulations state that “a child who is assessed … Read More

Department of Education Provides Resources to Reduce Discriminatory Discipline in Schools

Accommodations, Children with Special Needs, Special Education Law

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights published a list of new resources to help districts and schools support students with disabilities and avoid discriminatory use of discipline. In the school setting, manifesting disabilities are often overlooked as an underlying cause for behavior problems, leading to discrimination in the absence of student advocacy. … Read More

What Is Dyslexia?

Accommodations, Dyslexia, Learning Disability

Dyslexia Defined Dyslexia is defined as an unexpected difficulty in reading in relation to a person’s higher level of intelligence. It is considered a language-processing disorder that affects how a person deciphers spoken or written language including the ability to effectively read, write, spell or comprehend text. Despite common misconceptions, this learning disability is not … Read More