While inclusion in public schools is moving education toward equality for students with disabilities, many stigmas still influence the way students are treated in an academic setting by peers, educators, and other adults.
Embracing inclusion holds many benefits for not only students with disabilities but also their typical learning peers, as well as our educational communities. Continue reading to learn about inclusion and how it allows individuals with disabilities to participate equally in schools, society, and all aspects of life.
Inclusion in Education
Inclusion in education refers to removing learning barriers by providing students with disabilities the tools and resources to be successful in a traditional classroom among peers. By utilizing inclusion programs in public schools, administrators, teachers, and aides deliver an accessible education to support a student’s holistic growth and development without removing the student from a whole-class setting.
The inclusion of people with disabilities remains a societal challenge and social responsibility with an estimated 27% of Americans experiencing a physical, cognitive, or social-emotional disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Daily Impact of Inclusion in Schools
For students with disabilities, classroom inclusion has tremendous educational and social benefits. Accommodations are individualized for each student and provided based on the needs outlined in the student’s Individualized Education Plan. However, inclusion reaches beyond a child’s diagnosis and the legal obligations of the adults to uphold a specific quality of education.
With true inclusion, children with disabilities can be prepared to fully participate in all aspects of life, during school and beyond. Being treated as equals within educational settings grants improved social skills, self-confidence, as well as hard skills.
Advantages of Inclusive Education
Although intended to support students with disabilities, inclusion holds many benefits for traditional students as well. The best teachers understand that each child requires variance in their learning modalities and that not every child learns the same way. Inclusive classrooms naturally promote differentiated learning, creating greater opportunities for all children to absorb material and be encouraged to take ownership of their learning.
By fostering a welcoming and diverse learning environment, inclusive classrooms promote important social learning through collaboration, exploration, teamwork, and the expression of empathy and understanding. Research shows that children learn equally from their peers as from the adults in their lives. Through inclusion, students can benefit from peer support and mentorship, which in turn leads to higher engagement, improved academic achievement, and a more supportive learning community.
How to Advocate for Inclusive Programs for Your Child with Disabilities
While inclusion exists in California public schools to promote the learning of students with disabilities, many times, it falls on a child’s parents to ensure their child’s educational needs are met. Advocacy can take many forms including utilizing disability-positive language at home, communicating with teachers and school administrators, or pressing for necessary accountability and accommodations.
California special education laws protect students’ rights to a safe and positive education, including maintaining inclusive learning environments. When school districts do not uphold these rights, working with an education rights attorney can help you navigate the challenging legalities surrounding student advocacy.
Families turn to Jennifer Chang to fight for and protect the rights of their children with disabilities in California public schools. Through her zealous representation, students’ educational needs are met, and families are awarded the advocacy tools required to promote their children’s legal rights and education.
To learn more about Jennifer Chang, Special Education Rights attorney, or to book a consultation, visit https://educationrightsattorney.com/.